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AMVETS National Service Foundation

Support Organization

AMVETS National Service Foundation was created in 1948, with the goal of assisting our returning veterans from World War II by aiding in their readjustment back into civilian life. This goal has continued to this date. AMVETS National Service Foundation provides support to veterans through service programs as well as providing community and youth-oriented programs designed to promote unity and patriotism. It counsels and represents veterans and their dependents before the Veterans Administration without charge. Our NSOs labor diligently, even on weekends, helping the members of the National Guard and Reserves cut through the maze of red tape and logjams to obtain all VA benefits due to them under the current law for service-related conditions. Between September 1, 2009 and August 31, 2010, our NSOs have presented 233 briefings to 24,700 National Guard/Reserve members, veterans or surviving family members and taken 367 claims at the conclusion of the briefing session.

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